Thursday, November 21, 2019

Drug use, Impacts on society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Drug use, Impacts on society - Essay Example But the result was as usual, and in some cases, it was terrible. The centers for the drug-victims were found to be flooded with an overwhelming number of abusers and, every year, the hard-earned money of the tax-payers was being flooded out of the Government treasury. The recent scenario of drug-abuse in the UK is that almost one-thirds of the adult UK citizens (34%) are involved, in some ways or others, with using narcotic substances or illegal drugs. Even the figure of money that is spent for the treatment and prevention of drug-abuse is breath-taking for a sincere of citizen. The Telegraph says, â€Å"Each drug addict in Britain costs the taxpayer more than  £800,000 over a lifetime, a Government report shows†. The present scenario of the drug-abuse in the UK is self-evident enough to prove that the Government’s strategy, prior to the Drug Strategy of 2008, was flawed within itself, since its approach to the drug-problem was purgatory and retributive. Indeed a retributive and purgatory approach essentially means that â€Å"let a man be the victim of drug; then punish and/or treat him†. Obviously this view has its ground to defend itself. It argues that the Government of a modern state should not spare any scope for the citizens to avail themselves to the abuse of drug. Therefore it argues that the Government should maintain an effective watchdog over them. Also there is another philosophy: ‘punish the violator, so that others do not dare to cross the boundary of legal system†. But from the following discussion it will be evident that the definition of a technology-equipped modern individual itself is contradictory with the concept of an effective watchdog. Moreove r, the ‘identity conundrum of modern individual and crisis of modern life’ is such an abyss that ultimately consumes the ‘fear of being punished’. That is, when a modern individual cannot decide who

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